Club Hockey

Outlaws Hockey Club Teams participate in league games through the Premier Hockey League of New England. There are almost 30 programs that have teams in the PHL in multiple divisions.

We offer both Full Season and Half Season teams for players age 9 through age 18.


FULL SEASON TEAMS: Full season teams begin at 9U through 13U.

BANTAM 14U: 14U age group can be either Fall only or 2 separate half seasons that include Fall and Winter Seasons

HALF SEASON TEAMS: Half season teams are ages 15 ONLY, 16U and 18U

Teams are single birth year age groups except 16U and 18U.


TRYOUTS: Tryouts are held in person in March and April

PARITY: Full season teams will patriciate in parity games and usually held the last weekend in August

REGULAR SEASON: Games for full season games usually start the weekend after Labor day and are played through the 1st weekend in March

PLAYOFFS: playoffs for qualified full season teams are generally the 1st or 2nd weekend in March.


TRYOUTS: Tryouts are held in person in March and April

PARITY: Half season teams do not patriciate in parity games

REGULAR SEASON: Games for half season games usually start the weekend after Labor day and are played through the last weekend in October or 2nd weekend in November.

PLAYOFFS: playoffs for qualified half season teams are generally the 1st weekend in November for National Bound Teams and 3rd weekend in November for non National Bound teams.


Practices and home games are held at the New England Sports Center in Marlboro, MA.

League games may be played across all New England States.

Travel is generally between 1 and 3 hours from NESC.


Teams generally practice 2 times per week.

Skills & Clinics

Skills and clinics are offered as ice and coaching staff is available.


Full season teams will play 20-30 games over the course of the season.

Half season games will play 10-14 games.

Games will usually fall on the weekends.


Tournaments are at the discretion of each team and may require overnight accommodations at additional expense. Expect team managers to collect funds to cover tournament entry fees.


Club game jerseys (home and away) are required and available to purchase at in-person fittings following tryouts.


Merchandise will be available at uniform fittings and certain times during the season both in person and in our online store.

2025-2026 Tryouts

Session 1

Session 2


9U 2016

Monday March 10

5:20 pm

Rink 7

Tuesday March 11

5:20 pm

Rink 7


10U 2015

Dan Piskadlo

Monday March 10

5:20 pm

Rink 7

Tuesday March 11

5:20 pm

Rink 7


11U 2014

Travis Gross

Monday March 10

5:40 pm

Rink 8

Tuesday March 11

5:40 pm

Rink 8


12U 2013

Shane Boucher

Monday March 10

6:30 pm

Rink 7

Tuesday March 11

6:30 pm

Rink 7


13U 2012

Eric Busenburg

Monday March 10

6:50 pm

Rink 8

Tuesday March 11

6:50 pm

Rink 8


14U 2011

Brian O'Malley

Andrew Goody

Bryan Hopkins

John Cherubini

Monday March 10

7:40 pm

Rink 7

Tuesday March 11

7:40 pm

Rink 7


16U 2009 & 2010

Steve Martin

Joe Polizzotti

Jay Rodriguez

PJ Massey

Monday March 11

8:00 pm

Rink 8

Tuesday March 11

8:00 pm

Rink 8


18U 2007 & 2008

Sean Stevens

Monday March 11

8:00 pm

Rink 8

Tuesday March 11

8:00 pm

Rink 8


Tryouts are open for the 2025-2026 season. Registration is required to attend tryouts

USAH registration is required prior to registration with Outlaws Hockey.

Season registration for Outlaws Club teams is private.  The Head Coach for each team will send offers to selected players following tryouts.  

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